Yesterday morning as we were getting ready for church Mary
pointed out we only have two weeks until we leave for Ghana. I knew the date was coming up fast but
somehow the realization that it was only two weeks away seemed to have snuck up
on me. It’s less than two weeks
But if it seems just around the corner for me it must really
seem to be coming fast for Manny. Manny
is going home for the first time in over seven years. He leaves this coming Sunday (March 4) one
week before the rest of us. At church
yesterday Manny was commissioned for the trip since he will be leaving on the 4th
before the service. At both services
yesterday members of the congregation laid hands on him and prayed over him,
thanking God for Manny, for what God has done with and through him, and for
what God will do in the coming weeks in Ghana.
Manny took a few moments to also thank the congregation for all they
have done for him over the past few years.
It was a beautiful moment in the life of the church. And though it was
only a small event in the grand narrative of the Kingdom of God, it showed the
earnestness and faith of the people of Andover in the living Christ and in his
commission to us to go to all the nations and spread the Good News.
Manny next to one of the bags of glasses |
When we met for our weekly team meeting last night we took a
few moments to discuss the service that morning. One thing that we all noted was the support
and generosity of the people at Andover, not only in terms of financially
supporting the trip, but also through your prayers, through the volunteers who
have helped us prepare and pack the glasses and sew dresses, and through your
presence in our lives. We also recognize
prayer and support is coming from outside the Andover community and we are truly
grateful for that.
We also took time last night to tack a group photo of the team which has been posted to the blog. You can see it by clicking HERE.
It won’t be long now!
Please continue to pray for us and for the people of Ghana.
I so enjoy following these blogs!